The Program currently has scholarships from CAPES/PROSUP, CNPq and FAPEMIG for the best classified in the selection processes of Master's and Doctorate courses. It also has institutional scholarships for "sandwich" doctorates abroad.
The Program's Scholarship Committee monitors scholarship holders every six months, in accordance with Deliberation No. 2 of 2021.
• Fapemig
• CNPq
PUC Minas will annually grant assistance scholarships, two for the Master's and one for the Doctorate degree, in each of the 16 stricto sensu Postgraduate Programs of the University, to students who enroll in these courses and who can prove per capita family income of up to 1.5 minimum wage for 100% scholarships and up to three minimum wages for 50% scholarships. Ordinance 072/2016, signed by the rector and auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Belo Horizonte, Professor Dom Joaquim Giovani Mol Guimarães, was published on June 24, 2016.
The scholarship will be granted at the percentage of 100%, and may be converted into two 50% scholarships to serve a greater number of students. The selection process related to the granting of scholarships involves enrollment in the selection process for admission to the respective Postgraduate Program, academic selection and socioeconomic evaluation, carried out by the Department of Culture and Community Affairs (Secac).
- Students entering the Postgraduate Programs Stricto Sensu at PUC Minas may participate in the selection process.
- The socioeconomic selection will be defined by the classification process of the applicants, based on the data relating to income and the number of members of the family group, informed by the student in the application and duly substantiated in the documentation submitted. For full scholarships, the per capita family income cannot exceed 1.5 (one and a half) minimum wage, and for partial scholarships, the per capita family income cannot exceed 3 (three) minimum wages.
- The student will be responsible for the veracity of the data informed in the application, as well as for the suitability of the documentation presented. Any discrepancy in the data will lead to its disqualification.
- Scholarships may be canceled at any time in the event of irregularities in the documents presented or falsehood in the information provided by the scholarship holder.
- The scholarship will cover all the semester installments due from the date of its grant, including the one related to the enrollment.
- Scholarships will only be granted to a single member of the family group.
- The student benefiting from the partial scholarship cannot accumulate it with any other benefit that he/she has or will have at the University.
- Being granted a partial scholarship, the student must pay the remaining 50% of their monthly fees on time.
Rectory ordinances that provide for the granting of assistance scholarships:
List of documents that must be submitted by candidates for assistance scholarships
Application Form - Assistance Scholarships
Provides, on an experimental basis, for a period of up to three years, on the granting of scholarships for admission to the Master's and Doctorate courses at PUC Minas, to employees, interns and/or other persons who have links with public or private partner companies, and are indicated by them, as well as on the development of research projects in the scope of stricto postgraduate courses at PUC Minas, according to the criteria it establishes.