Exchange Programs


PPG professors are part of the following Working Groups (WG) of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Psychology (ANPEPP): 

(1) WG Daily life and Social Practices;

(2) WG Clinical Apparatus in Mental Health;

(3) WG Family and Community;

(4) WG on Subjectivization Policies, Invention of Daily life;

(5) WG Psychoanalysis, Politics and Culture;

(6) WG Psychoanalysis in Networks: academic and professional theories and practices;

(7) WG Socio-Historical Psychology and the Brazilian context of social inequality;

(8) WG Work and Health;

(9) WG Territorialities, violence, politics and subjectivities.




The Collective is composed of a group of research professors from different Higher Education Institutions in Brazil (UFRGS, UFSM, USP, UFMG, UNIFOR, PUC Minas), the University of Antioquia (Colombia), and the Rennes 2 University (France), whose research and studies refer to the theme of the articulation of psychoanalysis with policies related to youth in vulnerable position and in situation of violence. 


This national research network, with international interactions, was articulated with researchers from PUC Minas, UFPE, the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), and the State University of Maringá (UEM). Foreign researchers: Jacques Rhèaume (Université du Quebec in Montreal, Canada), Jean Clandinin (University of Alberta, Canada) and Isabel Maria Casimiro (Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique). One of the focuses of these national and international interlocutions is the theoretical-methodological improvement of research with narrative methods, in dialogue with the arts, promoting the expansion of the knowledge produced to non-academic sectors. 


National research network with international interactions, with the participation of professors and students from PUC Minas, UFMG, State University of Maringá – UEM, and School of Life Sciences of Sete Lagoas - MG. The network has also established partnerships with professors from the School of Psychology at the Universidad de la República in Uruguay and the School of Psychology at the Universidad de La Sabana in Colombia.

4. Psychology, Work and Psychosocial Processes - PSITRAPP

It is a center of studies, formed by researchers, professors and students from different areas, which proposes to investigate and intervene in the field of work, taking it not only as a formal and informal paid activity, but as every human activity through which the subject is constituted, in its changing relationships with itself, with the other and with the world to be transformed.

5. Laboratory of Studies and Research in Psychoanalysis and Social Criticism – Lapcris

It aims to create a space for training in research and the production of knowledge concerning the intertwining of psychoanalysis with everyday life, thinking about the theme of clinic, politics, institutions in the intertwining with subjectivity. 


It constitutes a space for training in research and knowledge production whose field of study comprises the psychoanalytic clinic, the subject and the contemporary social bond, as well as the contemporary manifestations of symptoms. Our research takes charge of conceptual discussions, as well as contemporary psychosocial phenomena, thought of in the light of psychoanalysis: sexuation and the feminine, mother and woman, the clinic of excess and adolescence, the clinic and the university.




Network of researchers linked to Psychosociology and the disciplines called "Clinics of Work", namely: Psychodynamics of Work, Clinic of Activity, Ergology, and Psychosociology of Work.

Institutions involved throughout the projects: PUC Minas, UFMG, UFF, USP, UnB, UFSC, UFSJ, UFPE, University of Cordoba (Argentina), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Université du Québec in Montreal (UQAM, Canada), Université Paris Diderot (France), Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM, France), and University of Coimbra (Portugal).  


International research network in Institutional Socioclinics, chaired by Professor Gilles Monceau (Université Cergy Pontoise). This research network aims to strengthen institutional exchange between the countries of researchers, with the production of joint research and publications, in addition to sending students, to doctoral sandwich programs abroad or in the co-tutorship modality. The network also has a website for exchange programs between participants - Institutions involved: Université Cergy Pontoise, Université de Limoges, Université de Tours, Université de Ottawa, Universidad Veracruzana, Unicamp, USP Ribeirão Preto, PUC Minas, and UFF.



Research: Investigation on the occurrence of mental illness in rural workers in Minas Gerais. CNPq Project (2011-2014).

Joint activities with professors and researchers from CERSES, Centre de Recherche Sens, Éthique, Société, research laboratory associated with the Université Paris Descartes and the CNRS – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France), as a continuation of the scientific cooperation agreement between PUC Minas and CERSES/CNRS/Université Paris Descartes. These activities involve publications in Brazil and France, by researchers from CERSES and the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at PUC Minas. Among other results of this agreement, there is the possibility of a doctoral sandwich program abroad for doctoral students.

Research: Incarcerated women: ties to crime, rupture with the family (CNPq, FAPEMIG, FIP).

Institutions involved: PUC Minas, University of Barcelona (UB), University of Antioquia, UFSJ, and UNIFOR. As part of the research activities, professor Ilka Franco Ferrari was invited, in 2011, to teach in the Master's course in Clinical and Health Psychology, at the University of Barcelona, at the Seminar on clinical cases in adults, together with prof. Adolfo Jarne Esparcia, to take place in January and February 2012. One of the results of this exchange program involves the possibility of a doctoral sandwich program abroad for doctoral students of the Program at UB.

Agreement with the Université Cergy Pontoise

Professor Roberta Carvalho Romagnoli held a Postdoctoral Internship at the Université Cergy Pontoise, with Professor Gilles Monceau, from January to July 2011. At the time, an agreement was signed between this university and PUC Minas, with the aim of both sending doctoral students to a doctoral sandwich program abroad in order to build a research network between universities in France, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and Canada. Professor Roberta Romagnoli is part of this research network.



Research: Investigation on the occurrence of mental illness in rural workers in Minas Gerais. (CNPq 2011-2014).

Joint activities with members of CIRFIP, Centre International de Recherche, Formation and Intervention Psychosociologiques, France, resulting in publications. Faculty and students involved: researcher Dr. Jacqueline Barus-Michel, Dr. Eugène Enriquez, Dr. Gilles Amado, Dr. André Lévy, Pierre Roche, and Dr. José Newton Garcia de Araújo (PUC Minas).

Research: Investigation on the occurrence of mental illness in rural workers in Minas Gerais. (CNPq 2011-2014).

Joint activities with a member of CNAM - Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France, resulting in a conference at the PUC Minas Program (see item "Other Information") and an International Colloquium on Psychosociology of Work, in 2012, in Belo Horizonte, organized by Prof. José Newton Garcia de Araújo (PUC Minas), Prof. Vanessa Andrade Barros (UFMG), and Prof. Dominique Lhuilier (CNAM). Several other CNAM researchers participated in this event, as well as researchers from other countries, such as Argentina, Italy and Canada. This International Colloquium resulted in the publication of a thematic issue of the Nouvelle Revue de Psychosociologie (expected to be published in April 2013), containing articles by the main speakers at this event. This thematic issue of the magazine was organized by Prof. Dominique Lhuilier (CNAM), Prof. Vanessa Andrade Barros (UFMG), and Prof. José Newton Garcia de Araújo (PUC Minas). Professors and students involved: Dr. Dominique Lhuilier and Dr. José Newton Garcia de Araújo (PUC Minas).

Psychoanalytic Clinic Research Group, CLINP

Ilka Franco Ferrari is part of the Psychoanalytic Clinic Research Group, CLINP, CNPq-UFRJ/Postgraduate Program in Psychology, coordinated by Dr. Vera Lopes Besset, who has an agreement with the Laboratory of Psychopathology and Psychoanalytic Clinic of the Rennes 2 University, France, directed by Dr. J.C. Maleval and Jean-Luc Gaspard (assistant director). Through this partnership, she has already carried out joint research with Vera Lopes Besset and has been invited to participate in the Colloque Economie psychique et changement social (2009), presenting the work L'élément thérapeutique de la psychanalyse et ses doubles dans le réseau public brésilien, in the city of Poitiers.



Research: Monitoring and analysis of the implementation and operation of the Help Line/Dial 100 service in the care of children and adolescents and perpetrators of sexual violence – Postgraduate Program in Psychology PUC Goiás (FAPEG) National Secretariat for Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic.

Institutions PUC Goiás and PUC Minas. Number of professors and students involved: 1 professor from PUC Minas, Dr. Maria Ignez Costa Moreira (Consultant Researcher), and 1 from PUC Goiás, Dr. Sonia Maria Gomes Sousa, 4 undergraduate students, 4 Master's students and 1 Doctorate.

Research: Youth Social Participation, Subjectivity, Culture, Politics and Rights (CNPq)

Institutions involved: Interinstitutional Research, coordinated by Dr. Lucia Rabello de Castro, UFRJ, with participants from UFMG, UFSC, UFPE, UFAL, PUC Minas (Dr. Maria Ignez Costa Moreira). There are 02 undergraduate students, 4 Master's student and 1 Doctorate.

Research: Domestic violence perpetrated against women in the municipality of Montes Claros/MG: a possible perspective (FAPEMIG, CNPq).

Institutions involved: PUC Minas/ School of Health Ibituruna (FASI/Montes Claros)/ State University of Montes Claros (UNIMONTES)/10th Battalion of the Military Police of Montes Claros. Number of faculty and students involved: 1 professor from PUC Minas (Dr. Roberta Carvalho Romagnoli), 1 professor from FASI (Leila Lucia Gusmão de Abreu), 1 professor from UNIMONTES (Marise Fagundes Silveira) and 2 scientific initiation students from FASI (Luciana Queiroz and Wellington Fernandes de Brito). Professor Roberta Carvalho Romagnoli coordinates the research and is directly involved in the training of new researchers in the Jequitinhonha Valley. One of the expected results is the construction of a booklet for the 10th Battalion of the Military Police of Montes Claros, with the mapping of the regions with the highest incidence of domestic violence, to support preventive actions.

Research: Investigation on the occurrence of mental illness in rural workers in Minas Gerais. (CNPq 2011-2014).

Joint activities with professors and researchers from the Department of Preventive and Social Medicine at UFMG, especially from the Labor Medicine Laboratory. Number of professors involved: Prof. José Newton Garcia de Araújo (PUC Minas), Dr. Tarcísico Márcio Magalhães Pinheiro (UFMG), and Prof. Andrea Maria Silveira (UFMG). Two former students of the Program are part of the team. The theses completed by the students are related to the research, which has generated productions between professors/professors and professors/students.

Research: "Narratives about death: the experience of rural women workers and women living with HIV/AIDS in the political game of confrontations for life" (CNPq).

Interinstitutional research, involving the Postgraduate Programs in Psychology at PUC Minas and the Federal University of Pernambuco. Coordinated by Professor Luciana Kind do Nascimento (PUC Minas), with co-ordination by Professor Rosineide Cordeiro (UFPE). It involves doctoral, Master's and undergraduate students from both institutions (5 doctoral students, 6 Master's and 3 scientific initiation scholarship holders). 

Research: "Health Promotion: between lifestyles and intersectorial actions" (FAPEMIG)

Direct partnership between professors João Leite Ferreira Neto (PUC Minas) and Walter Melo (UFSJ), with frequent research meetings, presence at events and participation in examination boards.

Research on the act and the feminine

Research carried out by prof. Cristina Marcos, on the act and the feminine, integrates professors from UFMG, the School of Medical Sciences and the Izabela Hendrix Methodist School. This professor integrates the CNPq research group Contemporary Symptoms - Research in Medicine and Psychoanalysis, which aggregates the research carried out at NIAB - Nucleus for Investigation of Anorexia and Bulimia from Hospital das Clínicas, UFMG, and the Nucleus for Adolescent Health at UFMG.

Youth Observatory of the School of Education at UFMG

Interlocution conducted by professor Márcia Stengel, who is currently part of the Youth Observatory group of the School of Education at UFMG, coordinated by prof. Juarez Dayrell, in addition to being part of the National Jubra Commission, Brazilian Youth.
