Postgraduate Program in Psychology
The Master's degree of the Postgraduate Program in Psychology at PUC Minas was recommended by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in 2004 and, in its first assessment (triennium 2004-2006), it obtained grade 4. This enabled the creation of the doctorate in 2008. In the Quadrennial Assessment of 2017 (2013-2016), the Program achieved grade 5. The area of concentration of both the Master's and doctorate, Processes of Subjectivation, has two lines of research: Psychosocial Processes and Clinical and Social Interventions.
Composed of research professors, with doctorate in the areas of Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Collective Health and Psychoanalysis, the Postgraduate Program stands out for its curricular flexibility to meet the diversity of tendencies and knowledge of the students and to offer them a wide possibility of technical, scientific and cultural improvement. It is open to candidates coming from various undergraduate areas, at the Collegiate's discretion.
The program counts on regional, national and international collaboration networks and has adequate infrastructure for research development, such as the Laboratory for the Study of Subjectivation Processes, a space that congregates research centers and groups. To disseminate and discuss the advances in the area, the program publishes
Psicologia em Revista, a general journal published every four months and classified in the
Qualis Psicologia[1] as A2.
Several agencies finance the numerous research projects developed, such as the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), The Minas Gerais Research Funding Foundation (FAPEMIG), Secretary of Human Rights (SEDH), Ministry of Health, Research Incentive Fund (FIP) of PUC Minas.
So far 310 dissertations and 66 theses have been defended.