Concentration Area: Subjectivation Processes
Research line: Clinical and social interventions
Research Project(s):
Youth social participation, subjectivity, culture, politics, and rights
Adolescence and youth categories in Psychology: a study based on the production of postgraduate students in Psychology
Evaluation culture in Primary Health Care and subjectivation effects
Training and Qualification of Work Teams for Institutional Care Entities for Children and Adolescents: Elaboration of methodological innovations
Social management of tomorrow: university youth, citizenship, and human rights
Inter-agents in health promotion: university, civil society, and the State in the fight against HIV/AIDS
Research on the process of psychosocial care for children and adolescents who are victims of sexual abuse
Monitoring and analysis of the Help Line/Dial 100 service implementation and operation in the care of children and adolescents, and perpetrators of sexual violence (Inter-institutional partnership with PUC-GO)
Incarcerated women: ties to crime, rupture with the family
The impact of restraining orders provided by the Brazilian Child and Adolescent Statute on family systems
Subjectivation processes in digital games
Basic social protection and family: a study on CRAS Vila CEMIG from Regional Barreiro in Belo Horizonte
Adolescents' romantic relationships and the internet
The psychic suffering of young people at university: between institutional requirements and subjective urgencies
How to mediate the use of information and communication technologies? Challenges for contemporary parents
Education and Culture: the daily school life in the technological age
Parents, children, and virtuality: Generations and the uses of information and communication technologies
Basic Education and Family: reproductions and inventions in the program Escola Integrada, in Belo Horizonte
Intersectoral collaboration, families, and subjectivation processes
The adolescent in institutionalization and their apprehensions in relation to the body, the proper name, and the affections: a Psychoanalysis-based reading
Life course and criminal path: an exploratory study from events and narratives of young people in a situation of vulnerability
The theme 'subjectivity' in national health policies
The Autonomy-Cooperation Binomial in Primary Health Care Practices in Municipalities of the Southeast Region of Brazil: a study on intangible dimensions of care
Political subjectivation in the paths of young feminists
Young women living with HIV/AIDS: (in)visibilities and forms of political participation
Gender Relations and Schooling Processes in Basic and Elementary Education
Gender Relations and Education: Teacher Training Strategies in Basic Education
Research Line: Psychosocial Processes
Research Project (s):
Discourse Analysis and Adolescent in compliance with institutionalization
Adolescence and youth categories in Psychology: a study based on the production of postgraduate students in Psychology
Incarcerated women: ties to crime, rupture with the family
Subjectivation processes in digital games
Adolescents' romantic relationships and the internet
Anorexia and female sexuation
The manifestations of the act and its uniqueness in its relations with the feminine
Construction of clinical cases in socio-educational measures: semi-liberty and institutionalization
Employment psychological contract: subjective dimensions of work relations
Research on the occurrence of mental illness in rural workers, in Minas Gerais.
Winnicottian reading of young people who respond to institutionalization
The process of Academic Education: validation of academic scale
What the mother wishes nowadays: a study concerning maternity in the 21st century based on Psychoanalysis
How to mediate the use of information and communication technologies? Challenges for contemporary parents
Education and Culture: the daily school life in the technological age
Parents, children, and virtuality: Generations and the uses of information and communication technologies
Basic Education and Family: reproductions and inventions in the program Escola Integrada, in Belo Horizonte
Intersectoral collaboration, families, and subjectivation processes
The adolescent in institutionalization and their apprehensions in relation to the body, the proper name, and the affections: a Psychoanalysis-based reading
Life course and criminal path: an exploratory study from events and narratives of young people in a situation of vulnerability
Adolescence and Laws
Impasses and perspectives of interventions carried out with adolescent perpetrators in semi-liberty measure
Analysis of Activity in the High-Performance Operators Program (Programa de Operadores de Alto Desempenho - POAD)
Connections between activity, temporality, and the field of Work Psychology
Work, suffering and ways of resistance: workers assisted in specialized public services
The paradigms of jouissance in Lacan according to Jacques-Alain Miller
Sense and meaning of Jacques Lacan's expression "there is something of One" and its importance for the transition between his first and last teaching.