
• To establish a network of collaborative studies and research, with the intention of producing knowledge about the conditions in which childhood and youth are found, in the different contexts of action of Emíli@

 • To establish partnerships in academic exchange activities and multilateral cooperation 

 • To organize international academic events with a view to sharing knowledge and experiences about children and children

 • To assist in the development of public policies aimed at guaranteeing the fundamental rights and care and the integral well-being of children and young people, in the different contexts covered by Emíli@ 

• To create a virtual space for international scientific academic publication on children and childhood – Emili@ Scientific Journal.

Fale com a gente

Endereço: Avenida Itaú, n. 505 – Edifício Emaús, Sala 405, Dom Cabral | Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais | CEP: 30535012

Telefone: +55 31 3319-4962

E-mail: emiliaredeiberoamericana@gmail.com

Países participantes:

Bandeira do Brasil Bandeira da Argentina Bandeira da Espanha Bandeira do México Bandeira de Portugal