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Programa de Pós-graduação em Biodiversidade e Meio Ambiente
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ABDO, T.F.; PERROTTI, P.B.; MEIRELES, W.A.; BAZZOLI, N. (2015) Initial development of Prochilodus hartii (Pisces: Prochilodontidae) submitted to induced reproduction. Zygote 23:1-10.
BECKER, R.A.; SALES, N.G.; SANTOS, G.M.; SANTOS, G.B.; CARVALHO, D.C. (2015) DNA barcoding and morphological identification of neotropical ichthyoplankton from the Upper Paraná and São Francisco. Journal of Fish Biology 87:159-168.
CARVALHO, D.C.; PALHARES, R.M.; DRUMMOND, M.G.; FRIGO, T.B. (2015) DNA barcoding identification of commercialized seafood in South Brazil: A governmental regulatory forensic program. Food Control 50: 784-788.
COSTA, H.C.; REZENDE, D.T.; MOLINA, F.B.; NASCIMENTO, L.B.; LEITE, F.S.F.; FERNANDES, A.P.B. (2015) New Distribution records and potentially suitable areas for the threatened Snake-Necked Turtle Hydromedusa maximiliani (Testudines: Chelidae). Chelonian Conservation and Biology 14: 88-94.
DANTAS, G.P.M.; SARI, E.H.R.; CABANNE, G.S.; PESSOA, R.O.; MARINI, M.A.; MIYAKI, C.Y.; SANTOS, F.R. (2015) Population genetic structure of the Atlantic Forest endemic Conopophaga lineata (Passeriformes: Conopophagidae) reveals a contact zone in the Atlantic Forest. Journal of Ornithology.156:.85-99.
ETEROVICK, P.C.; BAR, L.F.F.; SOUZA, J.B.; CASTRO, J.F.M.; LEITE, F.S.F.; ALFORD, R.A. (2015) Testing the relationship between human occupancy in the landscape and tadpole developmental stress. Plos One 10: p.e0120172.
FARIA, M.W.F.; LOURENCO, A.C.C.; PIMENTA, B.V.S.; NASCIMENTO, L.B. (2015) Morphological variation, advertisement call, and tadpoles of Bokermanno hyla. Zootaxa 3937:161-178.
GOMES, L.C.; PESSALI, T.C.; SALES, N.G.; POMPEU, P.S.; CARVALHO, D.C. (2015) Integrative taxonomy detects cryptic and overlooked fish species in a neotropical river basin. Genetica (‘s-Gravenhage) 143:.581-588.
HONORATO-SAMPAIO, K.; PRADO, P.S.; SATO, Y.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E. (2015) Comparative morphology of the oocyte surface and early development in four Characiformes from the São Francisco River, Brazil. Journal of Morphology 276: 1258-1278.
PIMENTA, L.M.; TISO, C.; LINARES, A.M.; MOURA, C.; PEZZUTI, T.; LEITE, F.S.F.; ETEROVICK, P.C. (2015) Improved local inventory and regional contextualization for anuran diversity assessment at an endangered habitat in southeastern Brazil. Journal of Natural History 46:1-17.
LIMA, R.C.L.; DIAS, J.E.M.; LIMA, N.G.S.; TORRES, P.F.; ETEROVICK, P.C. (2015) Escape response of tadpoles of two Species of (Anura, Hylidae) to simulated threat. Journal of Herpetology 49: 176-183.
MARCON, L.; BAZZOLI, N.; MOUNTERR, A.H.; BENJAMIN, L.A. (2015) Histological and histometric evaluation of the liver in (Teleostei: Characidae), exposed to different concentrations of an organochlorine insecticide. Anatomical Record: advances in integrative anatomy and evolutionary biology 298:.1-15.
MARCON, L.; MOUNTEER, A.H.; BAZZOLI, N.; BENJAMIN, L.A. (2015) Effects of insecticide Thiodan® on the morphology and quantification of ovarian follicles in lambaris Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in different treatments. Aquaculture Research 46: 1-12.
MARTINS, I.; SANCHES, B.O.; KAUFMANN, P.R.; HUGHES, R.M.; SANTOS, G.B.; MOLOZZI, J.; CALLISTO, M. (2015) Ecological assessment of a southeastern Brazil reservoir. Biota Neotropica 15:1-10.
MELLO, G.C.G.; SANTOS, J.E.; GUIMARÃES-CRUZ, R.J.; GODINHO, A.L.; GODINHO, H.P. (2015)Allometric larval growth of the bottom-dwelling catfish Lophiosilurus alexandri Steindachner, 1876 (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae). Neotropical Ichthyology.13: 677-684.
MELO, R.M.C.; MARTINS, Y.S.; LUZ, R.K.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. (2015) PCNA and apoptosis during pos-spawning ovarian remodeling in the teleost Oreocchromis niloticus. Tissue & Cell 47:541-549.
MORAIS, R.D.V.S.; THOMÉ, R.G.; SANTOS, H.B.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E (2015) Relationship between bcl-2, bax, beclin-1, and cathepsin-D proteins during postovulatory follicular regression in fish ovary. Theriogenology 85: 1-14.
NOTINI, A.A.; FARIAS, T.O.; TALAMONI, S.A.; GODINHO, H.P. (2015)Annual male reproductive activity and stages of the seminiferous epithelium cycle of the large fruit-eating Artibeus lituratus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Zoologia 32: 195-200.
NUNES, D.M.F.; MAGALHÃES, A.L.B.; WEBER, A.A.; GOMES, R.Z.; NORMANDO, F.T.N.; SANTIAGO, K.B.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. (2015) Influence of a large dam and importance of an undammed tributary on the reproductive ecology of the threatened fish matrinxã Brycon orthotaenia Günther, 1864 (Characiformes: Bryconidae) in southeastern Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology 13: 317-324.
PASSOS, D.C.; GALDINO, C.A.B.; BEZERRA, C.H.; ZANCHI, D.S. (2015) On the natural history of the poorly known Neotropical lizard Hemidactylus agrius (Squamata: Gekkonidae). North-Western Journal of Zoology 11: 133-137.
PASSOS, D.C.; GALDINO, C.A.B.; ROCHA, C.F.D. (2015) Challenges and perspectives for studies on home range of lizards from South America. South American Journal of Herpetology 10: 82-89.
ROSSA-FERES, D.C.; VENESKY, M.; NOMURA, F.; ETEROVICK, P.C.; CANDIOTI, M.F.V.; MENIN, M.; JUNCÁ, F.A.; SCHIESARI, L.C.; HADDAD, C.F.B.; GAREY, M.V.; ANJOS, L.A.; WASSERSUG, R. (2015) Taking tadpole biology into the 21st century: a consensus paper from the first tadpoles International Workshop. Herpetologia Brasileira 4:.48-59.
SALLABERRY-PINCHEIRA, N.; GONZALEZ-ACUÑA, D.; HERRERA-TELLO, Y.; DANTAS, G.P.M.; LUNA-JORQUERA, G.; FRERE, E.; VALDÉS-VELASQUEZ, A.; SIMEONE, A.; VIANNA, J.A. (2015) Molecular epidemiology of avian malaria in wild breeding colonies of humboldt and magellanic penguins in South America. EcoHealth 12: 267-277.
SANTOS, M.L.; ARANTES, F.P.; PESSALI, T.C.; SANTOS, J.E. (2015) Morphological, histological and histochemical analysis of the digestive tract of Trachelyopterus striatulus (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae). Zoologia 32: 296-305.
SANTOS, M.L.; ARANTES, F.P.; SANTIAGO, K.B.; SANTOS, J.E. (2015) Morphological characteristics of the digestive tract of Schizodon knerii (Steindachner, 1875), (Characiforme: Anostomidae): An anatomical, histological and histochemical study. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências.87:.867-878.
SOUZA, A.M.; PIRES, R.C.; BORGES, V.S.; ETEROVICK, P.C. (2015) Road mortality of the herpetofauna in a Cerrado ecosystem, central Brazil. Herpetological Journal 25:141-148.
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