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Programa de Pós-graduação em Biodiversidade e Meio Ambiente
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ALMEIDA, A.J.; FREITAS, M.M.F.; TALAMONI, S.A. (2013) Use of space by the Neotropical caviomorph rodent Thrichomys apereoides (Rodentia: Echimyidae). Zoologia : an international journal for zoology.30: .35-42.
ARANTES, F.P.; BORÇATO, F.L.; SATO, Y.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. (2013) Reproduction and embryogenesis of the mandi-amarelo catfish, Pimelodus maculatus (Pisces, Pimelodidae), in captivity. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 42: 30-39.
ARAUJO, R.A.; AMARO, B.D.; TALAMONI, S.A.; GODINHO, H.P. (2013) Seasonal reproduction of yellowish myotis, (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), from a Neotropical highland. Journal of Morphology 274: 1230-1238.
BASTOS, V.; LOPES F.R.; CARVALHO, C.D.; PUGEDO, M.; MATOS, A.P.L. (2013) The cave environment influencing the lipid profile and hepatic lipogenesis of the fish Ancistrus cryptophthalmus Reis, 1987 (Siluriformes: Loricariidae). INT J SPELEOL 42:15-23.
BONCOMPAGNI-JÚNIOR, O.; NORMANDO, F.T.; BRITO, M.F.G.; BAZZOLI, N. (2013) Reproductive biology of Prochilodus argenteus Agassiz, 1829 (Pisces: Prochilodontidae) in São Francisco River, Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29: 132-138.
BORGES, V.S.; ETEROVICK, P.C. (2013) Diet of Enyalius bilineatus (Leiosauridae, Squamata) at a site in southeastern Brazil: effects of phylogeny and prey availability. Journal of Natural History 47: 2785-2794.
CARVALHO, D.C.; SEERIG, A.S.; BRASIL, S.A.F.B.; VIEIRA, C.D.; OLIVERIA, D.A.A. (2013) Molecular identification of the hybrid between the catfish species Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum using a set of eight microsatellite markers. Journal of Fish Biology 83: 671-676.
DOMINGOS, F.F.T.; THOMÉ, R.G.; MARTINELLI, P.M.; SATO, Y.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E. (2013) Role of HSP70 in the regulation of the testicular apoptosis in a seasonal breeding teleost Prochilodus argenteu from the São Francisco river, Brazil. Microscopy Research and Technique 76:.350-356.
FILOGONIO, R.; TOLEDO, G.M.; ANJOS, L.A.; RAJÃO, B.; GALDINO, C.A.B.; NASCIMENTO, L.B. (2013) Infection patterns of Paradollfusnema amphisbaenia (Nematoda: Cosmocercidae) in a population of Amphisbaena wuchereri (Squamata: Amphisbaenidae) from Minas Gerais state, south-eastern Brazil, and its relations with host size, sex and fat body mass. Journal of Helminthology .87: 135-140.
FREITAS, L.J.A.; PRADO, P.S.; ARANTES, F.P.; SANTIAGO, K.B.; SATO, Y.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E. (2013) Reproductive biology of the characid dourado Salminus franciscanus from the São Francisco River, Brasil. Animal Reproduction Science 13:145–154.
GOMES, R.Z.; SATO, Y.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. (2013) Early development of Brycon orthotaenia (Pisces: Characidae). Zygote .21: 11-20.
LIMA, N.G.S.; ETEROVICK, P.C. (2013) Natural history of Ameerega flavopicta (Dendrobatidae) at an island formed by Três Marias hydroelectric reservoir in southeastern Brazil. Journal of Herpetology 47:.480-488.
LINARES, A. M.; ETEROVICK, P. C. (2013) Herpetofaunal surveys support successful reconciliation ecology in secondary and human-modified habitats at the Inhotim Institute, southeastern Brazil. Herpetologica 69:237-256.
OLIVEIRA, F.F.R.; NASCIMENTO, L.B.; ETEROVICK, P.C.; SAZIMA, I (2013) Description of the Tadpole and Redescription of the Advertisement Call of Physalaemus evangelistai (Anura, Leiuperidae), with Notes on Its Natural History. Journal of Herpetology 47: 539-543.
OLIVEIRA, F.F.R.; NASCIMENTO, L.B.; ETEROVICK, P.C.; SAZIMA, I. (2013) Description of the tadpole and redescription of the advertisement call of Physalaemus evangelistai (Anura, Leiuperidae), with notes on its natural history. Journal of Herpetology 47:.539-543.
PASCHOALINI, A. L.; PERINI, V.R.; RIBEIRO, D.M.; FORMAGIO, P.S.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. (2013) Reproduction of Pimelodus maculatus (Siluriformes:Pimelodidae) in three section of Grande River basin, downstream Porto Colombia dam, south-eaastern Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology 11:615-623.
PASSOS, D.C.; GALDINO, C.A.B.; BEZERRA, C.H.; ZANCHI, D.S. (2013) Indirect evidence of predation and intraspecific agression in three sympatric lizard species from a semi-arid area in northeastern Brazil. Zoologia 30:467-469.
PERINI, V.R.; PASCHOALINI, A.L.; CRUZ, C.K.F.; ROCHA, R.C.G.A.; SENHORINI, J.A.; RIBEIRO, D.M.; FORMAGIO, P.S.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E. (2013) Profiles of sex steroids, fecundity and spawning of a migratory characiform fish from the Paraguay-Paraná basin: a comparative study in a three-river system. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 39: 1473-1484.
PERINI, V.R.; SATO, Y.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. (2013) Comparative analysis of the aocytes and early development of two species of Curimatidae teleost fish. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia .42:.40-47.
PIRANI, R.M.; NASCIMENTO, L.B.; FEIO, R.N. (2013) Anurans in a forest remnant in the transition zone between cerrado and atlantic rain forest domains in southeastern Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 85: 1093-1104.
SALES, N.G.; SANTOS, M.L.; ARANTES, F.P.; SANTOS, J.E. (2013) Ovarian Structure and Oogenesis of Catfish Pimelodella vittata (Lütken, 1874) (Siluriformes, Heptapteridae). Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 42: 213-219.
TALAMONI, S.A.; COELHO, D.A.; DIAS-SILVA, L.H.; AMARAL, A.S. (2013) Bat assemblages in conservation areas of a metropolitan region in Southeastern Brazil, including an important karst habitat. Brazilian Journal of Biology 73: 309-319.
TORQUETTI, C.G.; DO CARMO, S.S.A.; TALAMONI, S.A. (2013) Observations of a diurnal roost of the white-winged vampire bat Diaemus youngi in a karstic area of southeastern Brazil. Chiroptera Neotropical.19: 1147-1150.
TORRES, R.A.; FEITOSA, R.B.; CARVALHO, D.C.; FREITAS, M.O.; HOSTIM-SILVA, M.; FERREIRA, B.P. (2013) DNA barcoding approaches for fishing authentication of exploited grouper species including the endangered and legally protected goliath grouper Epinephelus itajara. Scientia Marina 77: 409-418.
VASCONCELOS, M.F.; DUTRA, E.C.; MAZZONI, L.G.; PEDROSO, L.F.; PERILLO, A.; VALÉRIO, F.A.; GUERRA, T.; PETROCCHI, D.; MORAIS, R.; SANTOS, L.P.S.; GARZON, B.; DIAS, J.E.M.; SANTOS, J.E.; MORAIS, A.S.; GUIMARÃES, L.S.L.; GARCIA, F.I.A.; ALMEIDA, T.O.; BENFIC (2013) Long-term avifaunal survey in an urban ecosystem from southeastern Brazil, with comments on range extensions, new and disappearing species. Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 53:.327-344.
VELOSO-JUNIOR, V.C.; ARANTES, F.P.; SANTOS, J.E. (2013 )Population structure and reproduction of the Neotropical catfish Pimelodus pohli, Ribeiro and Lucena, (Teleostei: Pimelodidae). Journal of Applied Ichthyology 30: 399–402.
WEBER, A.A ; FERREIRA NUNES, D.M ; GOMES, R.Z.; RIZZO, E ; SANTIAGO, K.B.; BAZZOLI, N. (2013) Downstream impacts of a dam and influence of a tributary on the reproductive success of Leporinus reinhardti in São Francisco River. Aquatic Biology 19: 195-200.
WEBER, A.A.; ARANTES, F.P.; SATO, Y.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. (2013) Oocyte adhesiveness and embryonic development of Astyanax bimaculatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pisces: Characidae). Zygote 21:.198-202.
GOMES, R.Z.; SATO, Y.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. (2013) Early development of Brycon orthotaenia (Pisces: Characidae). Zygote 21: 11-20.
LIMA, N.G.S.; ETEROVICK, P.C. (2013) Natural history of Ameerega flavopicta (Dendrobatidae) at an island formed by Três Marias hydroelectric reservoir in southeastern Brazil. Journal of Herpetology 47:.480-488.
LINARES, A. M.; ETEROVICK, P. C. (2013) Herpetofaunal surveys support successful reconciliation ecology in secondary and human-modified habitats at the Inhotim Institute, southeastern Brazil. Herpetologica 69: 237-256.
OLIVEIRA, F.F.R.; NASCIMENTO, L.B.; ETEROVICK, P.C.; SAZIMA, I (2013) Description of the Tadpole and Redescription of the Advertisement Call of Physalaemus evangelistai (Anura, Leiuperidae), with Notes on Its Natural History. Journal of Herpetology 47: 539-543.
PASCHOALINI, A. L.; PERINI, V.R.; RIBEIRO, D.M.; FORMAGIO, P.S.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. (2013) Reproduction of Pimelodus maculatus (Siluriformes:Pimelodidae) in three section of Grande River basin, downstream Porto Colombia dam, south-eaastern Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology 11 :.615-623.
PASSOS, D.C.; GALDINO, C.A.B.; BEZERRA, C.H.; ZANCHI, D.S. (2013) Indirect evidence of predation and intraspecific agression in three sympatric lizard species from a semi-arid area in northeastern Brazil. Zoologia 30:.467-469.
PERINI, V.R.; PASCHOALINI, A.L.; CRUZ, C.K.F.; ROCHA, R.C.G.A.; SENHORINI, J.A.; RIBEIRO, D.M.; FORMAGIO, P.S.; BAZZOLI, N.; RIZZO, E. (2013) Profiles of sex steroids, fecundity and spawning of a migratory characiform fish from the Paraguay-Paraná basin: a comparative study in a three-river system. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry 39: 1473-1484.
PERINI, V.R.; SATO, Y.; RIZZO, E.; BAZZOLI, N. (2013) Comparative analysis of the aocytes and early development of two species of Curimatidae teleost fish. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia 42: 40-47.
PIRANI, R.M.; NASCIMENTO, L.B.; FEIO, R.N. (2013) Anurans in a forest remnant in the transition zone between cerrado and atlantic rain forest domains in southeastern Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 85: 1093-1104.
ZANCHI, D.S.; BORGES-NOJOSA, D.M.; GALDINO, C.A.B. (2014) Reproduction of a whiptail lizard (Ameivula ocellifera, Teiidae) from a coastal area in northeastern Brazil. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências 86: 1263-1272.
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